Posted on
7:32 AM
- by Runaway_beRRy
A messed up heart :
Do not we all have one? Do not we all have those deep dark stories, on the back shelves of our' hearts and minds. Mine at the moment is so dark, I can not even reach out and pick, just one story. I am very numb. Not exactly ready to tell my story. Then, why is everybody trying to pull it out of me? I can not talk with my heart at the back of my throat. So, that's my story for now. . .until the bona-fide version finds its' way out of my being.
Posted on
7:22 AM
- by Runaway_beRRy
I have glass in my finger at present, so it'll be hard to type. But here it goes ... I'm in Ft. Myer's, FLA. I really miss home ( Arad, RO ). I am going through what they call "culture shock"... because I am not used to this food, surroundings, and people. It's like I'm perfectly content hiding my self at home, and going into public is something irregular for me. When I have to be seen by people here, I clam up. I've been hurt in my past, so many times. That I've so afraid to let my self, have relationships again.
As of now. I have moved 10 times in my entire life. Around America, and around Romania. Change will always be apart of my life, I just pray that it will always be for the better.
P.s. I painted my thumb nail green in Wal-Mart.